You may know Tom Spiggle and the Spiggle family from Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or our Youth Martial Arts program, but did you know that Tom is also a respected employment attorney and author? Tom’s second book, Fired? Afraid You Might Be?, is hitting shelves now.

Being wrongfully treated at work is painful and it’s hard to know how to respond. Fired? Afraid You Might Be? makes it easy to understand the legal tools available to control your career. The book follows the story of Matt and Lynn, two fictional characters consulting with an employment lawyer to find out what options they have to make the best of their situations.

Tom Spiggle is a highly accomplished attorney who has dedicated his career to protecting the rights of employees. He is the founder of Spiggle Law, a law firm that specializes in providing legal assistance to individuals who have been unfairly dismissed or fear that they might be.

Fired? Afraid You Might Be? can be purchased on Amazon. The Kindle version is only 99 cents! It is currently the #1 New Release in Labor and Economic Relations.

Beyond buying the book, we encourage you to support the book by leaving a review on Amazon. This is the best way to boost the book’s profile.

Congratulations to Tom on creating this excellent resource!