Feet in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Feet in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Feet in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu   My son, who is nine months old as of this writing, has incredible control over his feet. He uses them as much as his hands. He grabs things with his feet, extends them away, and pulls them up to his hands as he rolls to his back to...
We are looking to build this blog!

We are looking to build this blog!

I invite the EvolveAll team, and any community members that would like to contribute, please send us your articles! Anything you think the community could benefit or gain value you from will be accepted. Want to promote your local business? Want to share something new...

Sale, Space Rental, Home School, Jitsu Vid

Event Space Rental EvolveAll is now opening up for members of our community to use our space for special events! Sarah Zoeller will be in charge of organizing the rentals moving forward! Visit Event Space Page 50% off all items in the shop this week Need sparring gear...