Yoga at EvolveAll is Growing!
Yoga at EvolveAll is GROWING!
The yoga program at Evolve All is unique because we are trained and grounded in the traditions but have adapted our practice to be current, relevant and safe. The classes are accessible to everybody and every body! We are constantly learning and adapting to our members’ needs.
We still have Ms. Sarah’s great classes throughout the week, but now we’ve named them so new participants know what to expect. We’ve also added two morning classes, to be taught by Ms. Jen on Wednesday and Sunday!
Chikara Yoga – Saturdays 8:45am
Chikara – Strengthen: One hour of energetic yoga practice to improve strength, stamina and flexibility
Antei Yoga – Mondays 8:15pm, Thursdays 7:45pm
Antei – Balance: 45 minute multi-level class to stretch, strengthen and relax.
Sosei Yoga – Wednesdays 9:45am, Sundays 11am
Sosei – Restore: One hour of slow flow yoga to recover stability and flexibility and restore balance.

Training Arts Center
940 George Mason Drive South Arlington VA 22204703-585-4325